Thursday, August 27, 2009

Shopping for Birthday Cards

There is a card store in a plaza not too far from our home and thinking of my eldest child's birthday this Saturday, I took my mother-in-law and my other children card shopping.  My mother-in-law wanted a thoughtful, pretty card; so for an hour and a bit, the children and I read cards aloud to her until we found the right one.  The sales ladies were extremely helpful; they stayed away.  I think they were uncomfortable with a blind customer.  Maybe they were afraid?  When I took her money from her envelope, a wallet is for identification purposes not money, I had to show her the twenty dollar bill and then tell her the change.  She is as quick as whip when it comes to her money and is always aware of what she has.  The sales lady was very patient as my mother-in-law slowly put the bills back into her envelope and the change into her change purse; then, I had to take my mother-in-law out to the car to wait while the children, extremely patient while she did her shopping, got the time to find their cards and little knick knacks. A quick trip to the card shoppe took almost 2 hours and I haven't got a clue how to make the time move faster.  It fills her day to go out for a bit and, while the weather is nice, it is only fair.

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