Sunday, November 15, 2009

Santa in the city and my Mother-in-law at home

Every year, I take the children to the Toronto Santa Claus Parade and it's a great time.  They are getting a little too old and I don't think they really believe in Santa anymore but it is a tradition.  And, it is a tradition I have kept up for my children since my oldest was born.  I know they come more to keep me company than to actually see the parade but I think it is important.  Maybe it's not but, right now, I still like doing it.  I'll probably go for as long as there is a parade--I love the Santa Claus parade.  Who knows how long the children will come with husband used to come when we were dating...anyhow, my mother-in-law can't come.  The walk is too much, the distance to Toronto too far...boy, was she angry.  My husband kept her company while we were gone but he didn't take her for a drive and didn't take her for lunch--he did yesterday, but not today.  So, the matriarch has been sitting up in her room fuming and fuming at me in particular.  When we came home, I ordered pizza for the children's dinner and made my mother-in-law : potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots and turnip, leftover roast and gravy.  It was liked I slapped her in the face--she didn't get to go out and she didn't get to eat out and she wasn't happy.  She waited till the dinner was hot and on the table and then told me she wasn't hungry and wasn't eating; the matriarch did have room for dessert, however.  I understand the matriarch was royally peeved but the whole family's life can't stop just because she is too old old to participate.  She wasn't left alone and she wasn't left hungry.  But boy oh boy was she mad....and now she's off to bed an hour earlier than usual!

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