Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Matriarch, the laptop and Immortality

Perhaps, you think this post is about digital pictures. It is not. The unforgivable happened this morning: at breakfast, my middle daughter started showing movie trailers on her laptop to us while we ate breakfast. We never watch television or movies while we eat our meals. The matriarch was ever so impressed this "computer-thing" could show pictures, too. So, while she ate her "Sugarcrisp" and the children their bagels, we watched various movie trailers. I have no idea how the matriarch could see the movies, but apparently she could...and she was very impressed.

I guess the girls need the computers when they go to college.

Yes, but my daughter is starting high school next year, not college, and she needs the laptop for her courses.

You'll be all alone when they go away to college.

Oh, it's years away, yet. I'm not really thinking about it.

You know, I'll still be here. We could out for lunch more.

Shoot me, God, please. There cannot be many people in this world seriously worried about their mother-in-law living beyond 100. There really can't be....

I hope the next 100 is easier than the first.

This is my life, I think to myself. My hundred year old mother-in-law is going to outlive me, my husband, my children and anyone else of whom I can think. And, she is going to do it eating sugar and learning how to use the laptop. She likes the movie trailers.

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