Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Gentle Hugs

The nurses at the blood clinic have taken to hugging the matriarch every visit.  The woman doesn't seem to mind, but asked me, in the car today, why they did so.

I have no idea.  (I suspect they think each visit could be her last, but we have been there three times in the last two weeks, at the doctor's request, and one would think the nurses would realize the matriarch's last visit could be a while away.)

She shrugged her shoulders and told me about a lady at the spa not too long ago whose mother was blind.  The woman is old, 80, and disabled by her lack of vision.

You may have to help me soon to dress, but I can see well enough to get by...

The matriarch is blind.  Except when she's not.  I think.

1 comment:

  1. You know when I was in Cuba and Mexico for that matter, it was the norm to hug and kiss hello and goodbye.

    I think they have the right of it. I'm not sure if it's just Canadians but we seem to be afraid to show any physical affection. Yes were are a polite crew (to generalize) but we lack warmth.

    In those other countries, I watched with envy the happiness and physical affection shown for everyone. Not just family.

    It was nice to watch must have been great to receive. I wonder if your MIL feels the same?
