Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Casual Cruelties

A Doctor's appointment for a 'flu shot in November.

Mom, your hair looks great...from the back!

I think you'll regret taking out the bathtub in your bathroom. When you're old like me, you won't be as spry and will need baths over showers because you'll be so crippled up.

Steak dinners.

Is your Dad coming for lunch, too? I know your Mother wants to take me for lunch but I really don't like most of your family.

Roast Beef dinners.

I know I am not the brightest light in the chandelier; but, sadly, your power isn't even turned on...

The man at that Salon didn't cut my hair properly; he didn't even notice I was 99.

I am not blind; I just can't see.

A bowl full of brown sugar looks just like a bowl of porridge. Good thing the milk wasn't handy.

The ribs at Swiss Chalet aren't as tender as they used to be...everywhere I go the food has become so tough. Nothing tastes the same.

Roast Chicken dinners.

You make good soup; I can eat soup all the time now...just I get tired of tomato or chicken noodle and I don't like that stuff you make.

Why is this house always out of sugar?

Yes, I can go for a drive with you , we can go to Zehrs and you can pick me up some potato chips and Werther's Candies because I am all out. But I don't want to go in the store with you. I'll wait in the car and you can hurry.

Grandma is sleeping; do we have to wake her to go out?

Roast Pork dinners.

No one phones anymore; where do all the people go? I'd like some company now and then.

Sleeping in the basement, sitting at the side of the table rather than the head, being taken for granted by a selfish old woman...dreading the possibilities of the future.

An old age home: a senior sits by a window, blind to the sites outside her room, bereft of company at any meal, challenged to ever leave the place for a change. Whose hell is worse?

1 comment:

  1. Lonely people create their own hells, and instead of being grateful to those who care about them, they abuse them and use them as fuel to keep alive their pain.
