Monday, January 3, 2011

Geriatric Rides in the Car

Can't use the car, only the van, because the matriarch can no longer lift her foot as high nor for as long as she used to be able in order to get in the CRV.

My mother-in-law hasn't been able to put on her own seat belt for years; sometime before I met her, she gave up doing it up and expected the driver to do it. Now, she cannot put on her own seat belt.

Automatic locks confound her and she waits for the door to be opened for her; she also prefers someone else to close it. Usually, the person who has fastened her seat belt.

If there is ice or snow on the drive way, the matriarch must be guided to her seat because she is afraid of slipping.

If there is ice in the parking lot of the doctor's clinic or the blood clinic, the matriarch must be left at the front door by herself--usually the children don't come to the clinics--and asked not to move. The driver of the car must help her out, ask her to wait and then go and park the car. Otherwise, the matriarch will wander around looking at things and she could slip and fall.

Every single trip the matriarch makes in winter is a horrendous adventure.

We have to go the blood clinic weekly.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could get some chains for her boots or hammer nails through the bottom to act as little spikes?? LOL Just joking, wishing you many non-slip and easy going trips to the blood clinic!
