Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Bit of News

The matriarch's sister-in-law has cancer again. They called her this morning and are taking her in for emergency surgery the day after the matriarch's birthday. The matriarch took it in with one sentence:

Well, I guess she's not coming to my birthday.

Personally, I think the absence is to be expected; it is sad on so many levels. For the sister-in-law, it is obviously a concern; her husband has the start of Alzheimers and I am sure the stress will compound the situation, not to mention the man will be worried about his wife. And, of course, the party the matriarch didn't want to have, turned out to be glad she was having, is now shrinking in numbers. The distant nephew who was coming has also cancelled. I don't want to be the one to tell the matriarch; so, I am leaving it to my husband to relay the news. None of this is funny, but there is a certain irony here...the woman didn't want to have a party in the first place and, maybe, I should have listened. She will now be disappointed at the fewer numbers. The matriarch's expectations will have been met. I am trying not to laugh at myself but, sometimes, it is all so defeating. Life is just one long, melodramatic soap opera.

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