Saturday, March 19, 2011

Some interesting pictures and thoughts....

An interesting article found in the Guardian:

Pictures of the old

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting to see and read the polarity in their descriptions of life now.

    Today I went to visit my grandmother and sadly I was unable to get into her home (a very long, frustrating and to me sad story). She looked to me (from outside the window where I was talking to her :() like some of the folks who are hanging around waiting for it to end. I know though that she wants more than she has. I try so hard to change things for her but resistance from her and my aunt, who cares for her, makes it so difficult.

    So many people who would help if they would just let us.

    Sorry off topic here but it was timely that you posted this. I saw my grandmother in many of those faces. Makes me sad for them and her.
