Wednesday, January 27, 2010

True Stories...I Think

Somewhere, out there in the world, a senior's leg is slowly swelling. Diabetic, the the person lives in a home that is not wholly staffed by health professionals, but there are personal support workers. There is a doctor on call and there is a supervisory nurse. The leg has been swelling since November,the same month the family first noticed. There was an appointment made to see the doctor--earliest date: the second week in February. The staff at the home has phoned the family to arrange new leg braces, larger sized shoes, better support socks but no medical care has been offered. No one in the family can afford to take a day off work to take the senior to the hospital to have the swelling investigated. It could be a blood clot and could turn to gangrene. But, it could also be something minor: the discomfort of an allergic reaction. I don't know but the swelling continues as I write.

A family of seven arranged for their elderly mother to live with one sibling while the rest rotated care duties. The mother had terminal cancer. Their father was institutionalized due to illness and the siblings also rotated meal duties so their father never had to eat alone; 3 meals a day, the man had the company of his children or his in-laws. For two years, the family took care of their parents who died within 1 year of each other.

Just somethings I happen to be thinking about....

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