Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Anniversary Dinners and Dress Up

For some reason, today, my mother-in-law thought she was going out for dinner with my parents for their anniversary. It is their anniversary and they are out for the evening, but they are on their own. My husband told my mother-in-law three times we were not accompanying them on their night on the town; the children had soccer so it wasn't an option. He told her and she still changed into a lovely outfit and wanted to know if they were off to the Keg. I don't know if it was sheer stubbornness or a moment of confusion but she was bound and determined to eat out.

We brought a cake to my parents' house and had tea with them in the afternoon; my mother-in-law seemed surprised that that was all that was happening. My husband told her in the car on the way home that he had told her she wasn't going out for dinner. The children had soccer. She replied she hadn't expected us to join them. My husband paused and asked her why she thought she would be joining my parents on their anniversary? She stayed in silence the rest of the way home. I think it was a moment of confusion, perhaps an indicator the dementia medication has to be increased? Perhaps my mother-in-law really just wanted to go out for dinner. My husband has told me he is going for lunch with her tomorrow; the routine seems so important. They didn't do lunch at the fish and chip place this week; we ate out at Montana's on Sunday. He was hoping to skip it. You wouldn't think eating out would become such a burden but it has....

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