Friday, April 2, 2010

Fish and Chips and Chasing a Hearst

As it is Good Friday, I took the matriarch out to get fish and chips; it was take-out and we brought it home to eat and the matriarch didn't eat it. My husband thought nothing of this; I, on the other hand, suggested it was a bit odd.

My husband shook his head; he figures the matriarch ate the food she bought at the supermarket yesterday. I took her shopping and bought her chips and bananas, 11 bananas. Trying to buy bananas with a half blind 98 year old is an adventure in shopping few should experience. I don't know what the thing is about the bananas; but I am dreading the mother-in-law could get constipated. The only thing worse than a fluid system is a backed up one. Here's the thing: I know what causes the matriarch discomfort. I figure, as a grown adult, she knows, too. This begs the question: why does she do this to herself?

Now, the matriarch knows I do not keep her plate's leftovers--even if she asks me to keep them; she spits food out, nothing is kept. Ever. We've actually had to discuss this. It's been extremely warm, here, lately, but the matriarch still wants to wear her fur coat. She's still on the Cumidin so I know she feels the cold; however, my husband is worrying the matriarch is deliberately over-heating herself. The point I want to make is the woman is very old but she is an adult and capable of making her own decisions. The decisions can drive us crazy but she is allowed to make them; I want to figure out how to make her recognize the consequences. I have already reminded her that bananas cause her discomfort; my husband has asked her to wear her spring coat and she has chosen to ignore us both. When do old people start withdrawing from their maturity? It's not like it happens overnight or with advance warning; to some people, it never happens at all. The matriarch is almost 99, I guess it was bound to happen.

The hearst story will have to wait.

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