Monday, April 26, 2010

Iron: plus a passage to poverty

The matriarch has to increase the amount of Cumidin she takes. If any drug is an annoyance, it is this one and, remember, the matriarch takes it purely for preventive care. No one wants her to survive a stroke. She has survived cancer, divorce, deaths and the Depression; she's never had a stroke or a heart attack and, apparently, she could have one. At 98, she's been there, done that for most things, I don't think a stroke is in her future but I am not a doctor and we do listen to him. And, we have to resolve this Cumidin issue. The doctor's office has phoned twice today to discuss the matriarch's diet: does she eat leafy greens? Has she had any spinach? I have been her main caregiver for 10 years, 2 full-time; I know the regime and no green vegetables at all can be eaten. I don't know why the matriarch's blood won't thin.

I asked the nurse if sugar can affect the blood thinner because the matriarch eats a lot of sugar; the nurse told me sugar could affect the matriarch's blood glucose levels. She could have diabetes; I said I don't think so because she has eaten this much sugar for a long time and has never had high blood sugar. Then we got into a discussion about how seniors lose their taste buds and, maybe, the matriarch wants a stronger taste. I replied one would think her desire for taste would also extend to salt--not so. The matriarch eats sugar like it is going out of style and the nurse found it hard to believe we go through pounds of sugar on an almost weekly basis. I didn't tell her about the matriarch's secret stashes of Werther's Caramels either. We have to continue with the weekly blood tests. They are an inconvenience.

On another note, I had to take my oldest child to get a Social Insurance Number today and, while at the government offices, I asked about benefits for full-time caregivers. My girlfriend had recently heard I could get benefits and should look into it.

Question: Have you lately been employed? No.

No qualification for Employment coverage which I could get if I had to leave my job to take care of the matriarch.

Question: Is the senior in question ill? No.

No qualification for additional benefit because there is no coverage for seniors who are just old and not ill; the matriarch won't accept her eyesight as a disability and, therefore, has not been labeled legally blind and entitled to handicapped benefits.

Question: Do you work from home or run a small business? No.

No qualification for time needed to be spent away from my own business interests and therefore no entitlement to compensation.

Question: Does the government take stay-at-home moms for granted and not compensate them for taking care of their children, their elderly loved ones or volunteering in their community? Yes.

Good thing I don't get sick.

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