Saturday, April 10, 2010

When not to Cook Steak

The matriarch couldn't eat the steak this evening; actually, I didn't even offer it to her and she knew and was unimpressed. She has no teeth. She cannot chew. For the past few Saturdays, I have made her a shepherd's pie for dinner; today, I did not. But I made her mashed potatoes, vegetables and a gravy; she spat nothing out and I thought everything was fine. But, the matriarch watched the children and my husband as they enjoyed their meat and became unhappy. I don't think she could actually see them; but, she listened. We go to see the eye specialist this week and I imagine he is going to confirm what I already know. She is almost completely blind. Anyhow, I served pie after dinner hoping to appease her. She ate the pie but didn't want a late night snack; I get the feeling the matriarch is disappointed. I don't know what to do for her. Steak is steak and needs to be chewed and I forgot to pick up ground beef. That's a lie. I accidentally put it in the freezer and remembered too late. But I cannot serve her food anymore that she cannot chew; the matriarch gets terrible indigestion and I think she enjoys her food more when she doesn't have to spit it out. She enjoys her breakfasts of moist cereals and always chooses soup for lunch; I honestly think she prefers a softer meal at dinner. Gosh, it feels wrong whatever I try to do for her. Tomorrow we go to Swiss Chalet.

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