Thursday, February 11, 2010

Age is What

Honestly, it is my impression my mother-in-law does not think she is old. I know she knows she is 98 approaching 99 but I don't think she "knows" how old she is. The other day, the matriarch told me I shouldn't be asking my husband to do so much because he is almost 60. My mother-in-law told me her son was getting old. My husband, according to the matriarch, her son, is old. I think she expects to outlive us all. What is she if my husband is old? In this world, where youth is worshiped, I cannot but wonder what she is thinking.

In Cuba, there is documented proof of an 125 year old woman still alive. She can still walk and lives with her family. My husband echoed the television when the lady was interviewed; "Think you're going to live that long?"

It has given the matriarch food for thought. I have friends who, like the matriarch, started their families late and I have friends the same age as me who have grand-children. I look in the mirror and think I am not old but there are times when I feel aged. Maybe responsibility ages one? And, being free of burdens lightens the load life can bring? I don't know. I certainly don't think of my husband as old and, yet, I know he should retire; I know I don't think of myself as particularly young but I really should go out to work. And, I do think of the matriarch as old.

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