Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Dinner Table and All Out War--well, not really, but close, really close....

So the matriarch came flat out and told me my dinner was awful; obviously, the visit with her sister-in-law did not go well. My youngest child stepped up to the plate and said my food was delicious. I think the children are beginning to take sides much to my husband's chagrin...and mine. I know it is immature to feel so angry about my mother-in-law.

Anyhow, the visit with the sister-in-law and her husband went like this: they came and the matriarch remained upstairs in her room; they waited downstairs and did not go up. I sent my middle child up to get the mother-in-law; 10 (!!!!) minutes later, the matriarch came down to greet her guests. Then, they came into my family room to have tea; I did not invite them, I figured the matriarch wanted them upstairs. They loved talking to the children and we served cake with blueberries my youngest had made and tea. The matriarch rocked in a lazy-boy and said nothing. I chatted, too, but I knew the matriarch was not happy. I think her sister-in-law knew, too, and did not care. The matriarch refused cake and tea and an hour and half later said she had to go upstairs to go the washroom and would her sister-in-law and her husband like to come up, too? The matriarch refused dessert so the children knew she wasn't happy; the in-laws stayed upstairs for all of 20 minutes and then they left. The matriarch is under the impression they will be back soon and will take her out for lunch.

The in-laws are taking a weekend trip to somewhere in Michigan and the matriarch is not invited. Her sister-in-law also did not invite the matriarch to come and stay with her. I know the breast cancer scared the woman so I imagine she is putting time in with her husband; one never knows. I do know the time is not going to the matriarch and she is angry. At almost 99, she is jealous of an 80 year old senior who travels and does lunch. Sometimes, it is so hard to explain to people that all the matriarch really wants to do is have a meal out; she would eat out every single day; that doesn't sound like a trial but, trust me, it is. It REALLY, REALLY is.

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