Sunday, February 28, 2010

Herpes and Cold Sores and Doctor's Offices, Again

The matriarch has an awful cold sore on the upper portion of her lip. She's had it for a few days and, rather than look at it closely, I thought she was trying to put lipstick on and missing. This morning, I realized it was actually a cold sore and asked her if it hurt. There is no pain but it is quite a size. So, I went to the drug sore to get some cream for it and the pharmacist told me I should take the matriarch to the doctor to make sure it wasn't impetigo. I am so scared because the herpes virus took the sight in her right eye and it is the season for chicken pox and I haven't a clue how she picked up this bug. The matriarch is not the type of woman to put things to her mouth or her face. It feels strange to be so worried about this woman who gives my life constant drama; actually, she gives me constant complaint and I obsess on the criticism with a constant dramatic flair. Of all things one worries about, I didn't imagine herpes could be so serious for seniors who have never had chicken pox.

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