Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Blind Side

The matriarch's eyes have been failing for awhile now; I may make jokes about the inconveniences of it all, but she has been able to see half-way. This morning, we discussed that she is almost, wholly blind. The matriarch brought the subject up, in a way. She was complaining about the way my husband set up her Christmas decorations; she cannot see to plug the lights in. My husband set it up so all the matriarch would have to do would be to press a button on a power cord and her little figurines would light up and the music would play and she could have her own winter wonderland. The matriarch cannot see the button; she, apparently, also cannot feel it. So, naturally, it was my husband's fault. The matriarch pulled out the power cord to use as an alternative power switch but could not see to plug it back in. I defended my husband and then told the matriarch she would only have to let me know and I would turn her lights on. But, I did mention to her I could not do things immediately. This brought two points to the fore: the matriarch cannot see and she demands immediate action. The sight issue is hurting her. The matriarch has often remarked that she would live with what she has but I don't think she ever really expected to go blind and I think it scares her. It scares me.

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