Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Eye Continues

Now, the other eye is beginning to bother the matriarch.  I don't know if she is actually losing her vision or it is her current state of mind.  No matter the age, depression hurts and I know my mother-in-law is depressed.  My husband is home tomorrow afternoon and will take her for lunch; the children and I will get a break and go to the movies.  I feel like I am abandoning her but depression is contagious and I need my children to have a break and I need to know they can have the respite without guilt.  My husband will take his mother to Swiss Chalet and have a moment with her on his own.  I, at least, escape when I read at night; this would be very difficult if I couldn't read...that fact makes me able to sympathize.  My mother-in-law was a crocheter and knitter; her ability in these areas was incredible and her loss of sight has been tragic; she can no longer do anything. Books or plays on tape don't seem to interest her; although, I think I may have to try again with radio plays just to try to disperse this negative aura.

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