Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Long Days

The matriarch is still angry about the doctor and yesterday's visit.  She just has to work it out in her head and, then, everything will be okay. To be so lucky as to be 98 and have good health and be angry there is nothing to complain about...when she works it all out, it WILL be okay. Until that point, she will drive me crazy.

Today, I was asked to make the soup more "soupy."  It is tinned, at her request.  I added more water than usual; she refused to eat it.  The raisin bread didn't have enough raisins in it; she didn't eat it.  She did eat the popcorn made fresh this morning and all her fruit (2 bananas, pear, apple, last peach of the season) and her breakfast and dinner.  My husband thinks I have become paranoid about her diet: such observations are unnecessary.  He is probably right.  There is nothing to do but the mother-in-law drives me crazy because I feel she wants to do something and I don't know what it is.

Today's drive resulted in more complaints about her eye; if she wants to go out, she has to put up with the discomfort.  Tomorrow, I will suggest a Tylenol before the drive and see if it helps.  It is hard to have sympathy and not become exasperated; my husband is lucky to go to work...

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