Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why I am Going to Hell....

This morning, I got up did 2 loads of laundry and snuck (I like that word!)out to do the grocery shopping; I bought s Pepsi and chocolate bar at 9 in the morning and had a teenager's breakfast.  Sometimes, it is wonderful to be alone.  However, like the cat, I went back home...

Where the children, knowing there was basketball and swimming, were still in their pyjamas, and the laundry was still to be put away (it was folded, it was their's and it was still on the table) and breakfast was still to be had.  My husband was still in bed and my mother-in-law had obviously been up and had gone back to bed, chips replacing her Sugar Crisp preference for morning break fast.  So, as quietly as I could, I whispered to the children to get their stuff together, get dressed and eat.  Done.  My aim was to leave again, kids in tow, husband still asleep and mother-in-law still unawares in her room.  It was a good plan.

Child number 2 and child number 3 had a toothpaste fight in the bathroom...with yells and screams and my blue wall marked with Colgate.  I nearly killed them.  The mother-in-law woke-up just as the time to leave approached.  Child number 1 put on her tea and I made her cereal and toast and pills and had to wake my husband who had obviously been enjoying his slumber.  It is difficult enough with the matriarch here but the reality is there are the children's concerns and I will not let them down if they choose to do sports and dance and music.  I do try to arrange everything for around the same time and when my husband can cover granny care.  So I am not going to feel guilty for trying to sneak out a second time.  But I do...the children made it to basketball and swimming and I put the laundry away, swearing under my breath, and my husband took his mother for lunch and we all met again for 5 and I promptly fell asleep beside my youngest who slept, too.  Thus is our Saturday.

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