Sunday, October 4, 2009

Peanut Butter and Jelly, 3 Days in a Row

Maybe it is the sugar keeping the matriarch alive...For the third night in a row, she has chosen to eat open faced PB & J sandwiches.  The one night, we ate them after the children's activities, seems to have really set my mother-in-law off and she is eating them for either lunch or dinner every day.  The jelly or jam doesn't seem to be a big deal, today was homemade gooseberry jelly, yesterday it was my raspberry jam.  But the bread must be really covered, really, really covered with peanut butter.  I don't know.  I feel like a reporter investigating the culinary habits of seniors.  Can sugar boosts keep a person alive?  It has been mentioned to me that seniors need strong flavours to really taste something; but, I thought that applied only to smokers or former smokers.  She does use a lot of salt; the sugar is getting worse as we are now halfway through our fourth 4 kilo bag since July; I wonder about her taste buds.

Ironically, enough, the matriarch has got it into her head that my husband wants 50 (!!!) jars of her homemade chili sauce.  I wouldn't mind making it but we still have 20 or so jars of last year's chili sauce left.  My kids are more salsa people and grandma's chili sauce isn't spicy enough.  And, my husband doesn't eat it.  He says he would if it was on the table but he doesn't ask for it if it's not there.  The days it is there, his mother eats it on everything, which is okay, but no one else touches it.  Particularly, the big guy.  I am being cruel.  Just the work falls to me and I don't want to do it; I don't want to move 50 jars of chili sauce around the house looking for places to store it; I don't want to waste the food; and I don't want to spend my fiftieth birthday looking at 10 year old cans of chili sauce I won't dump because it is the last thing my mother-in-law made.  Isn't this just silly?

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