Monday, September 21, 2009

2 Deaths and a Bowl of Melons

My Uncle died over the weekend and my friend's mother died on Saturday.  I knew my Uncle when I was young and went to Ireland to see family but I hadn't been in touch with him in years.  My friend's mother was a stranger.  I am religious in a non-Church, non-logical, spiritual kind of way--it makes me feel better to believe in a God than to not believe.  However, I am superstitious about death and I believe it runs in threes--and what bothers me as I write this is my belief my mother-in-law is not going to be next but I will hear about someone else, a stranger, a friend, a loved one.  And, I hate thinking this way.

Anyhow, the sugar from the sugar bowls is being drained into the matriarch's fruit snack at night; I refuse to buy another 4 kilos of sugar until I go grocery shopping two days from now.  It is immature, I know, but really, should it be such a big deal?
This evening, I watched her chase pieces of melon around the bowl with a teaspoon.  At first, I thought, she can't see the melon and despaired further over her eyesight.  Then I realized: the matriarch is coating the fruit in the sugar syrup.  I cannot believe what a sweet tooth she has.  When the melon was all gone, she supped the syrup.  Maybe I'll have to go get the sugar...

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