Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The husband

My husband is a decent sort of guy but sometimes he just doesn't get it.  If it is morning and children are waking and his mother is hungry and the phone rings and the drops need to be put in, standing around watching me isn't helpful.  Letting me get angry and frustrated isn't helpful.  Why men never seem to develop the telepathy that women just seem to have instinctively is a cause for science...

At an evening activity today, a woman I know was telling me about her summer happenings and her plans to open her own business.  It was rather interesting until she asked me what I had done.  To be clear, we couldn't do much as we can't take my mother-in-law anywhere where there is walking and she is not easy to leave at another relative's for respite.  Our summer was much like the weather: awful.  Anyhow, I told the lady in question I had to take care of my mother-in-law and managed events for the children the best we could.
Her response: "Is your mother-in-law still alive?"  The statement was followed by that awful gaff of silent recognition and the look of "Maybe I shouldn't have said that."  What do you say?  The matriarch is still alive; she will have been here for one year in October.  None of us expected her to last this long, but she has.

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