Sunday, September 6, 2009

Things We Don't Think About....

My children still like to be read to and at night, my husband or I read to them before they go to sleep.  We have done it since they were born and will do it for as long as they want.  Now, my mother-in-law tends to go to bed at the same time as the children, sometime between 9 and 10.  Thus, she now listens to whatever book we happen to be reading.  The children are big fantasy fans, my mother-in-law is not.  I like classics, my mother-in-law does not.  She does, however, love Stephanie Meyers.  When the children first got into vampires, my mother-in-law used to shake her head and find it unbelievable they would waste their time with the subject.  But as we progressed into the novel, she would call out to me from her room to ask me to read louder or clearer.  I think she has a thing for Edward.  She has listened to all four of the Twilight series and was only unimpressed with the last one:  "Vampires are dead.  They can't make babies."

I don't like the quality of Stephanie Meyers' writing; I can't believe she made a fortune rewriting Bram Stoker's Dracula as basically a Harlequin romance.  But, my mother-in-law loves her.  Of all the books we have read over the past year, my mother-in-law still asks about Stephanie Meyers.  I introduced her to the television series 'True Blood' but it didn't quite have the impact on her imagination 'Twilight' had; Bill is no Edward.  It was beyond funny to listen to my husband read Stephanie Meyers to the children and his mother and know the matriarch was infatuated with the hero. ( Of course, I could be wrong, but it was still funny!)

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