Monday, September 14, 2009

Three Little Issues

My child woke up a vomiting volcano this morning; it was messy, it was inconvenient, it was a distraction.  My mother-in-law followed me around asking how the child in question was?  Had the child stopped vomiting? When was breakfast?  Unfortunately, I am one of those mothers who gets really, really angry if someone gets between me and my children in a time of need; sometimes, even  in a crisis, I need to just open my mouth and insert my foot before words escape.  They can never be retracted.

We, my mother-in-law and I, went to the grocery store today in search of Werthers' Caramels; the company makes round hard candies, round hard candies with caramel in their centres and rectangular caramels.  I honestly didn't think such a difference was important and bought the wrong caramels.  My poor mother-in-law spent the better part of the afternoon wondering why the grocery store no longer sold the caramels she wanted; I had to explain three times the store still sold her caramels but I had bought the wrong ones.  Worse, I couldn't go back and buy the right ones; see above.  The guilt for such a silly mistake has been overwhelming.

This final issue is more of a child verses Grandma issue and I want to side with Grandma and cannot.  We are currently reading a really stupid novel, "The Book of Three."  Just for starters, there is a quest for an oracle pig within the plot.  I am falling asleep reading this book aloud to my children.  For some strange reason which I honestly cannot fathom, my youngest child loves the book.  Grandma, on the other hand, does not and is now closing her door when I read.  She has asked my youngest to choose another book, any book, and the child refuses.  The matriarch has asked me to intervene and, though, I want to agree, this is one of those"we always finish what we start" moments.  It is that important to my youngest.  So, now I have to read aloud to the children during the day trying to get the book finished out of my mother-in-law's earshot.  So, I spend more time with the silly book than good deed ever goes unpunished.

1 comment:

  1. I want to commend you on not letting your youngest get lost in the hierarchy of wants in your home. Your MIL is grown up and at this point will not (seemingly) learn anything new. You child, on the other hand, will learn something from every single thing you do. You are teaching your child that children ARE important.
