Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Meaning of Life

The proper  caramels are in the bowl and the matriarch is well and happy with life.
The afternoon was spent in search of the right kind of cheesies; like the caramels, I didn't think junk food was such a big deal.  Apparently, it is.  Today, we bought chips, cheesies, 4 packs of caramels and toothpaste.  It would be ironic except it is 100 per cent true.  Further, an hour was spent in the grocery store trying to find the right bag of cheesies.  I have never really thought of myself as patient but going through shelf after shelf, product after product, in search of just the right kind of cheesie was an effort in self-control.  For those who care, and I fear not many, there are not that many kinds of cheesies: four in our local store.  But, the matriarch wanted to know what else was available as she sought her most desired, most wanted junk food.  It is at times like these, I think to myself, my mother-in-law is blind: lie.  Once, I got into a debate with her over the directions to a store.  I was driving; her instructions were, and I quote, "Drive this way and then go that way."  Not turn right or left, not follow a particular direction, not give me the name of the store.  And, I, like the idiot I truly can be, argued with her as if she could see what I was doing.  There are advantages to my mother-in-law being half-blind; one would think I would use them.

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